The Games Machine 76
Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones.exe
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Text File
1,230 lines
# Jones 3D Cog Script
# CYN_Cutscene02.cog
# Indy hooks up with Sophia at the campsite.
# [RT & revised by HB]
# (C) 1998 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC. All Rights Reserved
# ===================================================================
# ************************ MESSAGES ************************
message startup
message entered
message callback
message pulse
message timer
# ************************ COGS ************************
cog fallcog
cog sectorcog
cog ambcog
# ************************ KEYFRAMES ***********************
keyframe in_Rub=0in_rubhead_4_4.key local
keyframe in_PushHat=0in_figithat_4_4.key local
keyframe in_ArmsOut=0in_armsout_1_1.key local
keyframe in_armsup=0in_armsup_1_1.key local
keyframe in_lean=0in_leanin20cm_1_1.key local
keyframe in_Think=0in_thinking_4_4.key local
keyframe in_Examine=0in_examgear_1.key local
keyframe in_TurnGear=0in_turngear.key local
keyframe in_Enter=0in_enterheli.key local
keyframe in_leftup=0in_leftarm_1_1.key local
keyframe in_grabVPhoto=0in_pickupphoto_1_13.key local
keyframe in_dropVPhoto=0in_dropphoto_13_4.key local
keyframe in_overThere=0in_overshoulder_4_1.key local
keyframe in_Stand2=0in_stand2.key local
keyframe in_Stand4=0in_stand4.key local
keyframe in_Stand5=0in_leanin20cm_1_1.key local
keyframe in_studyVPhoto=0in_stand13.key local
keyframe in_1to2=0in_stand1_bd_2.key local
keyframe in_1to4=0in_stand1_bd_4.key local
keyframe in_sitheli=0in_sitheli.key local
keyframe so_Doff=0so_helmetoff.key local
keyframe so_Hair=0so_hair_2_4.key local
keyframe so_Look=0so_lookshards_1_1.key local
keyframe so_WaveL=0so_waveleft_1_1.key local
keyframe so_WaveR=0so_waveright_1_1.key local
keyframe so_Pouch=0so_pouch_2_2.key local
keyframe so_HeadShake=0so_headshake_1_1.key local
keyframe so_CrossArms=0so_armsmid_3_3.key local
keyframe so_Stand1=0so_stand1.key local
keyframe so_Stand3=0so_stand3.key local
keyframe so_Stand4=0so_stand4.key local
keyframe so_Stand5=0so_stand5.key local
keyframe so_Stand6=0so_stand6.key local
keyframe so_1to2=0so_stand1_bd_2.key local
keyframe so_2to1=0so_stand2_bd_1.key local
keyframe so_leftup=0so_lefthnd_2_2.key local
keyframe so_helmeton=0so_helmeton_2_2.key local
keyframe in_arm_Point=0in_photopoint.key local
keyframe so_arm_Toss=0so_throwphoto.key local
keyframe chopTurn=cyn_chopr.key local
keyframe chopTurn2=cyn_chopr2.key local
keyframe chopFly=cyn_chopr_fly.key local
# ************************* MODELS *************************
model mod_in_Hair=head_in_goodhair.3do local
model mod_in_HandHat=hand_in_hat.3do local
model mod_in_HandPhoto=hand_in_vophoto.3do local
model mod_in_HandGear=hand_in_gear.3do local
model mod_so_Helmet=head_so_helmet.3do local
model mod_so_HandHelmet=hand_so_helmet.3do local
model mod_so_HandPhoto=hand_so_photo.3do local
model mod_so_HandShard=hand_so_shard.3do local
model mod_so_HandGear=hand_so_gear.3do local
model mod_arm_PhotoBab=photo_so_bab.3do local
model mod_arm_PhotoVo=photo_so_vo1.3do local
model mod_arm_PhotoV2=photo_so_vo2.3do local
# model mod_copter=cyn_chopr.3do local
model chop_blad=cyn_chopr_blade.3do local
model chop_rot=cyn_chopr_rotor.3do local
# ************************* SOUNDS *************************
sound in00=cn02j00.wav local
sound in01=cn02j01.wav local
sound in02=Cn02j03.wav local
sound in03=Cn02j05.wav local
sound in04=Cn02j05a.wav local
sound in05=Cn02j07.wav local
sound in06=Cn02j09.wav local
sound in07=Cn02j11.wav local
sound in08=Cn02j15.wav local
sound in09=Cn02j17.wav local
sound in10=Cn02j21.wav local
sound in11=Cn02j23.wav local
sound in12=Cn02j25.wav local
sound in13=Cn02j27.wav local
sound in14=Cn02j29.wav local
sound in15=Cn02j32.wav local
sound in16=Cn02j34.wav local
sound so01=Cn02s02.wav local
sound so02=Cn02s04.wav local
sound so03=Cn02s06.wav local
sound so04=Cn02s08.wav local
sound so05=Cn02s10.wav local
sound so06=Cn02s12.wav local
sound so07=Cn02s13.wav local
sound so08=Cn02s14.wav local
sound so09=Cn02s16.wav local
sound so10=Cn02s18.wav local
sound so11=Cn02s19.wav local
sound so12=Cn02s20.wav local
sound so13=Cn02s22.wav local
sound so14=Cn02s24.wav local
sound so15=Cn02s26.wav local
sound so16=Cn02s28.wav local
sound so17=Cn02s30.wav local
sound so18=Cn02s31.wav local
sound so19=Cn02s33.wav local
sound so20=Cn02s35a.wav local
sound so21=Cn02s35b.wav local
sound heliRev1=helicopter_rev1.wav local
sound heliRev2=helicopter_rev2.wav local
sound heliStart1=helicopter_startup.wav local
sound heliStart2=helicopter_startup2.wav local
sound pull_part=cyn_metalpart_rattle.wav local
sound spin_part=cyn_metalpart_spin.wav local
sound mus_EnterIndy=mus_cyn_cutscene1.wav local
sound mus_VolodPic=mus_cyn_cutscene2.wav local
sound mus_GetPart=mus_gen_machinepart.wav local
sound mus_SpyLine=mus_cyn_cutscene3.wav local
sound mus_LiftOff=mus_gen_indycalm.wav local
# ************************* THINGS *************************
thing player local
thing indy linkid=0
thing sophia linkid=1
thing in_arm nolink
thing so_arm linkid=2
thing in_Target1 nolink
thing in_Target2 nolink
thing in_Target3 nolink
thing in_Target4 nolink
# no in_Target5
thing in_Target6 nolink
thing in_Target7 nolink
thing in_Target8 nolink
thing in_target9 nolink
thing so_Target1 nolink
thing so_Target2 nolink
thing so_Target3 nolink
thing so_Target4 nolink
# no so_Target5
# no so_Target6
thing so_Target7 nolink
thing so_Target8 nolink
thing so_Target9 nolink
thing so_ghost1 nolink
thing so_ghost2 nolink
thing indyCam nolink
thing indyCam2 nolink
thing indyCam3 nolink
thing indyCam4 nolink
thing indyCam5 nolink
thing indyCam6 nolink
thing indyCam7 nolink
thing indyCam8 nolink
thing sophiaCam nolink
thing sophiaCam2 nolink
thing sophiaCam3 nolink
thing sophiaCam4 nolink
thing sophiaCam5 nolink
thing sophiaCam6 nolink
thing sophiaCam7 nolink
# thing sideCam nolink
thing sideCam2 nolink
thing sideCam3 nolink
thing lowcam nolink
thing longCam nolink
# thing tableCam nolink
thing photoCam nolink
thing heliCam nolink
thing photoBab nolink
thing photoVo nolink
thing photoV2 nolink
thing camAnchor nolink
thing copterAnchor nolink
thing table nolink
thing copter linkid=3
thing copt_Target1 nolink
thing copt_Target2 nolink
thing copt_Target3 nolink
thing copt_Target4 nolink
thing copt_Target5 nolink
thing in_ghost1 nolink
thing fadeoutplate nolink
thing vulture_1 nolink
thing vulture_2 nolink
# ******************* WORLD & ENGINE REFS ******************
material gearMat=rigear.mat local
sector trigger linkid=4
# ********************** VARIABLES *************************
flex in_rotRate local
flex so_rotRate local
flex cop_rotRate local
int in_track1 local
int in_track2 local
int so_track local
int cop_track local
int in_ArmTrack local
int so_ArmTrack local
int part_track local
int in_colltype local
int so_colltype local
int co_colltype local
int so_swap=0 local
int so_arm_swap=0 local
int sender local
int curSound local
int matAnimNum local
int bEntered=0 local
int curCam local
int chopSound1 local
int chopSound2 local
int callNum local
int meshRefHat local
int meshRefHead local
int meshRefHand local
int so_meshRefHand local
int spychan local
# *********************** FX STUFF ************************
template chopdust=chopperdustfx local
template smokeTpl=+baz_spr_smoke local
thing dust_pivot nolink
thing smoke local
thing chop_shadow nolink
# ********************* SUBROUTINES ***********************
flex goggleHead local
# ===================================================================
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Pointer to Player
player = GetLocalPlayerThing();
# Prep actors...
in_rotRate = GetThingMaxRotVel(indy);
so_rotRate = GetThingMaxRotVel(sophia);
cop_rotRate = GetThingMaxRotVel(copter);
# Prep set...
SetThingFlags(chop_shadow, 0x80000);
SetThingFlags(fadeoutplate, 0x80000);
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
if((GetSenderRef() != trigger) || bEntered) return;
bEntered = 1;
Sleep(0.8); # see player finish climbing out of pit
curCam = GetCurrentCamera();
SetActorFlags(player, 0x200000);
# Stop olv_outside_a01 in the birdambient cog
SendMessage(ambcog, user0);
# Play intro music...
PlaySoundLocal(mus_EnterIndy, 1.0, 0.0, 0x0, 0);
# Make sure we can't see the fadeoutplate...
SetThingAlpha(fadeoutplate, 0.0);
# Prep...
ClearThingFlags(copter, 0x80000);
ClearThingFlags(chop_shadow, 0x80000);
# Disable player...
ResetThing(player); # right now
# PlayMode(player, 1, 0); # twice???
PlayMode(player, 1, 0); # get him into a nice stand
CopyPlayerHolsters(player, indy);
SetThingFlags(player, 0x80000);
# Prep Indy & Sophia...
ClearThingFlags(indy, 0x80000);
ClearThingFlags(sophia, 0x80000);
# Swap in her goggle head
call goggleHead;
# Bring Indy into the campsite...
AISetMoveSpeed(indy, 1.0);
AISetLookThing(indy, in_Target1);
AISetMoveThing(indy, in_Target1, 0);
# Cut to shot of Indy entering campsite and enable him...
SetCameraFocus(2, indyCam);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, in_ghost1);
SetCameraFOV(70, 0, 0.0);
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 1); # enable dolly
SetCameraInterpSpeed(2, 3.5); # speed is actually time
SetCameraFocus(2, lowcam);
SetCameraFOV(43, 1, 3.5);
MoveToFrame(in_ghost1, 1, 1.5);
AISetLookThing(indy, sophia);
# Indy: "Oh no, what now...?"
in_track1 = PlayKey(indy, in_Stand4, 2, 0x0, 0); # indy hands on hips
PlayKey(indy, in_1to4, 4, 0x12, 0);
PlayVoice(indy, in00, 1.0, 1);
# Move Sophia toward table...
AISetMoveSpeed(sophia, 1.2);
AISetLookThing(sophia, so_Target1);
AISetMoveThing(sophia, so_Target1, 0);
# Long shot of campsite...
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0); # disable cam dolly
SetCameraFocus(2, longCam);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, so_ghost1); # track the moving ghost
SetCameraFOV(57, 0, 0.0); # was 65, then 60
# Cam and focus moves toward Sophia...
MoveToFrame(longCam, 1, 1.38); # time to arrive as helmet removal ends (was 1.38)
SetCameraFOV(22, 1, 6.3); # likewise
MoveToFrame(so_ghost1, 1, 1.4); # time to arrive with sophia (was 1.5)
# Sophia takes off her hat and goggles, then steps forward...
AttachThingToThing(so_ghost1, sophia);
PlayKey(sophia, so_Doff, 4, 0x2, 1);
AISetMoveSpeed(sophia, 1.0);
AISetMoveThing(sophia, so_Target2, 1);
# Indy exclaims recognition: "Sophia?"
curSound = PlayVoice(indy, in01, 1.0, 0);
# Cut to Indy...
SetCameraFocus(0, indyCam2);
SetCameraFOV(47, 0, 0.0);
AISetLookThing(sophia, indy);
# Swap out Sophia's hand with the helmet while she's offscreen...
RestoreThingMesh(sophia, -99); # -99 Restores ALL meshes
# Indy pushes his hat back...
PlayKey(indy, in_PushHat, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Cut to Sophia...
SetCameraFocus(0, sophiaCam);
SetCameraFOV(47, 0, 0.0);
StopKey(indy, in_track1, 0.0);
AISetLookThing(indy, sophia);
# Sophia: "Hello, Indy..."
curSound = PlayVoice(sophia, so01, 1.0, 0);
so_track = PlayKey(sophia, so_Stand4, 2, 0x0, 0);
PlayKey(sophia, so_Hair, 4, 0x12, 1);
# Cut to Indy over Sophia's shoulder...
SetCameraFocus(2, indyCam3);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, camAnchor);
SetCameraFOV(45, 0, 0.0);
# Indy: "What brings you out west...?"
curSound = PlayVoice(indy, in02, 1.0, 0);
StopKey(sophia, so_track, 0.7);
PlayKey(indy, in_ArmsOut, 4, 0x12, 1);
PlayKey(indy, in_armsup, 4, 0x12, 0);
Sleep(1.0); # was 1.5
# Camera follows anchor (and Sophia) toward table...
MoveToFrame(camAnchor, 1, 1.2);
SetCameraFOV(30, 1, 1.9); # was 2.0
AISetMoveSpeed(sophia, 1.1);
AISetLookThing(sophia, so_Target3);
Sleep(0.2); ## may need adjusting for foreign language versions
AISetMoveThing(sophia, so_Target3, 0);
Sleep(1.0); ## may need adjusting for foreign language versions
AISetMoveSpeed(sophia, 0.9);
# Sophia arrives and turns toward the table...
SetThingMaxRotVel(sophia, 50.0);
AISetLookThing(sophia, table);
# Sophia puts hands on hips...
so_track = PlayKey(sophia, so_Stand1, 2, 0x0, 0);
PlayKey(sophia, so_2to1, 4, 0x12, 0);
Sleep(1.2); # was 1.5
# Teleport Indy while offscreen so he can get to the table...
TeleportThing(indy, in_Target2);
# Zero Sophia's head and cut across table...
SetActorHeadPYR(sophia, '0.0 0.0 0.0');
SetCameraFocus(0, sophiaCam2);
SetCameraFOV(25, 0, 0.0);
# Aim indyCam3 for next shot...
MoveToFrame(camAnchor, 2, 2.0);
PlayKey(sophia, so_Look, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Sophia: "Wonderful potsherds."
curSound = PlayVoice(sophia, so02, 1.0, 0);
Sleep(1.5); ## may need adjusting for foreign language versions
# Indy moves toward the table from offscreen...
AISetMoveSpeed(indy, 0.9);
AISetLookThing(indy, sophia);
AISetMoveThing(indy, in_Target3, 0);
Sleep(0.5); ## may need adjusting for foreign language versions (was 1.5)
# Cut back as Indy enters shot...
SetCameraFocus(2, indyCam3);
SetCameraFOV(35, 0, 0.0);
AISetLookThing(sophia, indy);
# Indy: "New thinking..."
curSound = PlayVoice(indy, in03, 1.0, 0);
PlayKey(indy, in_ArmsOut, 4, 0x12, 1);
PlayKey(indy, in_leftup, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Cut to closeup of Indy...
SetCameraFocus(0, indyCam4);
SetCameraFOV(35, 0, 0.0);
AISetLookThing(sophia, indy);
# Indy: "Kind of noble..."
# PlayKey(indy, in_shrug, 4, 0x12, 0);
PlayKey(indy, in_armsup, 4, 0x12, 0); # temp until shrug works
PlayVoice(indy, in04, 1.0, 1);
# Cut to shot of Sophia over Indy's shoulder: "Iron curtain..."
SetCameraFocus(0, sophiaCam3);
SetCameraFOV(42, 0, 0.0);
PlayKey(sophia, so_WaveL, 4, 0x12, 0);
PlayVoice(sophia, so03, 1.0, 1);
# Indy: "I read the papers..."
in_track1 = PlayKey(indy, in_stand4, 2, 0x0, 0);
PlayKey(indy, in_1to4, 4, 0x12, 0); # Indy puts hands on hips
PlayVoice(indy, in05, 1.0, 1);
# Sophia: "Wanna really be noble?"
PlayKey(sophia, so_WaveR, 4, 0x30, 0);
curSound = PlayVoice(sophia, so04, 1.0, 0);
StopKey(indy, in_track1, 0.5); # relax back to hands at sides
# Reverse the shot...
SetCameraFocus(0, indyCam5);
SetCameraFOV(40, 0, 0.0);
# Indy folds his arms: "Who's we?"
in_track1 = PlayKey(indy, in_Stand2, 2, 0x0, 0);
PlayKey(indy, in_1to2, 4, 0x12, 0);
PlayVoice(indy, in06, 1.0, 1);
# Sophia turns away: "CIA"
SetThingMaxRotVel(sophia, 280.0);
StopKey(sophia, so_track, 0.25);
AISetLookThing(sophia, so_Target4);
curSound = PlayVoice(sophia, so05, 1.0, 0);
PlayKey(sophia, so_leftup, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Cut to closeup of Indy...
StopKey(indy, in_track1, 1.0);
SetCameraPosInterp(2, 0); # turn off cam dolly
SetCameraFocus(0, indyCam4);
SetCameraFOV(37, 0, 0.0); # was 35
# Indy: "Atomic secrets?"
curSound = PlayVoice(indy, in07, 1.0, 0);
in_track1 = PlayKey(indy, in_Stand4, 2, 0x0, 0); # hands on hips
PlayKey(indy, in_1to4, 4, 0x12, 1);
PlayKey(indy, in_Rub, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Swap in Sophia's hand with photo...
SetThingMesh(sophia, 15, mod_so_HandPhoto, 0);
# Cut to closeup of Sophia as she turns back toward camera...
AISetLookThing(sophia, indy);
SetCameraFocus(0, sophiaCam4);
SetCameraFOV(25, 0, 0.0);
StopKey(indy, in_track1, 0); # stop hip stand
Sleep(0.8); # was 0.9
# Sophia: "Don't be silly..."
PlayVoice(sophia, so06, 1.0, 1);
# She whips out the photo of Babylon...
curSound = PlayVoice(sophia, so07, 1.0, 0);
PlayKey(sophia, so_Pouch, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Cut to table...
SetCameraFocus(0, photoCam);
SetCameraFOV(32, 0, 0.0);
# Sophia's invisible for a bit...
SetThingFlags(sophia, 0x10);
# Sophia: "Dig site..."
curSound = PlayVoice(sophia, so08, 1.0, 0);
# Play Babel theme
PlaySoundLocal(mus_VolodPic, 1.0, 0.0, 0x0, 0);
# Cheat Indy around to the other side of the table...
TeleportThing(indy, in_Target1);
AISetLookThing(indy, in_Target4);
AISetMoveThing(indy, in_Target4, 0);
# Sophia's arm tosses the photo onto the table...
ClearThingFlags(so_arm, 0x80000);
SetThingMesh(so_arm, 5, mod_arm_PhotoBab, 0);
so_arm_swap = 1; # set callback to drop 1st photo
so_ArmTrack = PlayKey(so_arm, so_arm_Toss, 2, 0x14, 0); # drop 1st photo
# Indy bends into the shot: "Babylon!"
AISetLookThing(indy, photoBab);
PlayKey(indy, in_lean, 4, 0x12, 0);
PlayVoice(indy, in08, 1.0, 1);
# Camera snaps to an even closer shot of the photo...
# hide hack on indy's hat brim CMG 10/3
SetThingFlags(indy, 0x10);
SetCameraFOV(25, 1, 0.5); # was 1.0
# Sophia: "Remember your bible?"
curSound = PlayVoice(sophia, so09, 1.0, 0);
# Get rid of Sophia's photo hand...
RestoreThingMesh(sophia, so_meshRefHand);
# They're lookin' at each other...
AISetLookThing(indy, sophia);
AISetLookThing(sophia, indy);
# Play and hold their "looking down" anims...
in_track1 = PlayKey(indy, in_Stand5, 4, 0x4, 0);
in_track2 = PlayKey(indy, in_Stand4, 4, 0x0, 0);
so_track = PlayKey(sophia, so_Stand5, 4, 0x4, 0);
# Stop the anim on Sophia's arm and hide it...
StopKey(so_arm, so_ArmTrack, 0.0);
SetThingFlags(so_arm, 0x80000);
# Finger points at the photo...
ClearThingFlags(in_arm, 0x80000);
in_ArmTrack = PlayKey(in_arm, in_arm_Point, 2, 0x14, 0);
# Indy: "Looks like..."
PlayVoice(indy, in09, 1.0, 1);
# Stop the anim on Indy's arm and hide it...
StopKey(in_arm, in_ArmTrack, 0.0);
SetThingFlags(in_arm, 0x80000);
# close hack on indy's hat brim CMG 10/3
ClearThingFlags(indy, 0x10);
# Cut to 2-shot...
ClearThingFlags(sophia, 0x10); # Sophia is visible
SetCameraFocus(0, sideCam2);
SetCameraFOV(30, 0, 0.0);
# ...as they look up at each other...
StopKey(indy, in_track1, 0.5); # unbend
StopKey(indy, in_track2, 1.0); # relax out of hands-on-hips pose
StopKey(sophia, so_track, 0.7);
# Sophia: "Very good, Jones."
PlayVoice(sophia, so10, 1.0, 1);
# Sophia: "Volodnikov..."
curSound = PlayVoice(sophia, so11, 1.0, 0);
AISetLookThing(sophia, so_target8); # she looks down at pix
# Cut back to the table...
SetCameraFocus(0, photoCam);
SetCameraFOV(32, 0, 0.0);
# Sophia's arm tosses in the photo of Volodya...
ClearThingFlags(so_arm, 0x80000);
SetThingMesh(so_arm, 5, mod_arm_PhotoVo, 0);
so_arm_swap = 2; # set callback to drop 2nd photo
so_ArmTrack = PlayKey(so_arm, so_arm_Toss, 2, 0x14, 0);
# Stop the anim on Sophia's arm and hide it...
StopKey(so_arm, so_ArmTrack, 0.0);
SetThingFlags(so_arm, 0x80000);
# Sophia: "He thinks there's some truth..."
curSound = PlayVoice(sophia, so12, 1.0, 0);
# Zoom on V photo...
SetCameraFOV(25, 1, 0.5); # was 1.0
# Indy: "Godless communist?"
PlayVoice(indy, in10, 1.0, 1);
# Toss 2nd photo of V...
ClearThingFlags(so_arm, 0x80000);
SetThingMesh(so_arm, 5, mod_arm_PhotoV2, 0);
so_arm_swap = 3; # set callback to drop 3rd photo
so_ArmTrack = PlayKey(so_arm, so_arm_Toss, 2, 0x14, 0);
# Sophia: "A physicist..."
PlayVoice(sophia, so13, 1.0, 1);
# Stop anim on Sophia's arm and hide it...
StopKey(so_arm, so_ArmTrack, 0.0);
SetThingFlags(so_arm, 0x80000);
# Cut to 2-shot...
SetCameraFocus(0, sideCam3);
SetCameraFOV(33, 0, 0.0);
# Indy: "What's he doing in Babylon?"
AISetLookThing(sophia, indy);
in_track1 = PlayKey(indy, in_studyVPhoto, 2, 0x0, 0);
PlayKey(indy, in_grabVPhoto, 4, 0x12, 0);
PlayVoice(indy, in11, 1.0, 1);
# Sophia: "Atom joke..."
curSound = PlayVoice(sophia, so14, 1.0, 0);
Sleep(1.5); ## may need adjusting for foreign language versions
StopKey(indy, in_track1, 0.0);
in_track1 = PlayKey(indy, in_Stand4, 2, 0x0, 0);
PlayKey(indy, in_dropVPhoto, 4, 0x12, 1);
# Indy: "World's not laughing..."
PlayVoice(indy, in12, 1.0, 0);
in_track2 = PlayKey(indy, in_PushHat, 4, 0x12, 0);
Sleep(2.0); ## may need adjusting for foreign language versions
StopKey(indy, in_track2, 0.4);
AISetLookThing(sophia, indy);
# Cut to closeup of Sophia...
SetThingFlags(indy, 0x10); # make him invisible
SetCameraFocus(0, sophiaCam5);
SetCameraFOV(20, 0, 0.0);
# Sophia: "Deadly tower..."
curSound = PlayVoice(sophia, so15, 1.0, 0);
so_track = PlayKey(sophia, so_Stand1, 2, 0x0, 0);
PlayKey(sophia, so_2to1, 4, 0x12, 1);
PlayKey(sophia, so_WaveL, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Cut to closeup of Indy: "Tore it down..."
ClearThingFlags(indy, 0x10); # Indy reappears
SetThingFlags(sophia, 0x10); # and Sophia is invisible
SetCameraFocus(0, indyCam6);
SetCameraFOV(25, 0, 0.0);
in_track2 = PlayKey(indy, in_Think, 4, 0x12, 0);
PlayVoice(indy, in13, 1.0, 1);
# Cut to 2-shot...
ClearThingFlags(sophia, 0x10);
AISetLookThing(indy, sophia); # was in_target8
AISetLookThing(sophia, indy);
SetCameraFocus(0, sideCam3); # was sideCam
SetCameraFOV(35, 0, 0.0); # was 33
# Sophia: "Exactly."
PlayVoice(sophia, so16, 1.0, 1);
# Indy: "Amusing theory..."
StopKey(indy, in_track2, 2.0); # back to hands-on-hips
curSound = PlayVoice(indy, in14, 1.0, 0);
Sleep(1.5); ## may need adjusting for foreign language versions
StopKey(indy, in_track1, 0.0);
SetThingMaxRotVel(indy, 250.0);
AISetLookThing(indy, so_target1); # turns away cam right
PlayKey(indy, in_overThere, 4, 0x12, 0);
AISetLookThing(indy, in_target8); # turns back
# Sophia: "You don't think...."
curSound = PlayVoice(sophia, so17, 1.0, 0);
PlayKey(sophia, so_WaveR, 4, 0x12, 1);
StopKey(sophia, so_track, 0.0);
PlayKey(sophia, so_1to2, 4, 0x12, 0);
# Sophia: "This came from..."
SetCameraFocus(0, sophiaCam6);
SetCameraFOV(20, 0, 0.0);
SetThingFlags(indy, 0x10); # Indy invisible
AISetLookThing(indy, sophia);
# part from bag sound effect
PlaySoundLocal(pull_part, 1.0, 0.0, 0x0, 0);
AISetLookThing(sophia, indy);
StopKey(indy, in_track1, 0.0); #HB lose hands-on-hips
so_swap = 1;
PlayKey(sophia, so_Pouch, 5, 0x12, 0);
PlayVoice(sophia, so18, 1.0, 1);
# Play theme for the infernal part
PlaySoundLocal(mus_GetPart, 0.5, 0.0, 0x0, 0);
# Indy takes the gear:
SetThingFlags(sophia, 0x10);
so_track = PlayKey(sophia, so_Stand1, 2, 0x0, 0);
ClearThingFlags(indy, 0x10); # Indy reappears
SetCameraFocus(0, indyCam7);
in_track1 = PlayKey(indy, in_Examine, 4, 0x14, 0);
PlayVoice(indy, in15, 1.0, 1); # "Somebody made a mistake..."
# Back to Sophia closeup...
StopKey(indy, in_track1, 0.0);
SetThingFlags(indy, 0x10); # Indy invisible
ClearThingFlags(sophia, 0x10); # Sophia reappears
SetCameraFocus(0, sophiaCam5);
# Sophia: "No mistake..."
PlayKey(sophia, so_HeadShake, 4, 0x12, 0);
PlayVoice(sophia, so19, 1.0, 1);
StopKey(sophia, so_track, 0.0);
# Cut to closeup of Indy's hands...
SetThingFlags(sophia, 0x10); # Sophia invisible again
so_track = PlayKey(sophia, so_Stand3, 2, 0x0, 0);
ClearThingFlags(indy, 0x10); # Indy visible again
SetCameraFocus(0, indyCam8);
# Indy: "Look at that little wheel spin!"
# spin the part
in_track1 = PlayKey(indy, in_TurnGear, 4, 0x14, 0);
part_track=PlaySoundLocal(spin_part, 1.0, 0.0, 0x1, 0);
PlayVoice(indy, in16, 1.0, 1);
# Wider shot of Sophia over Indy's shoulder...
StopKey(indy, in_track1, 1.0);
StopSound(part_track, 1.0);
ClearThingFlags(sophia, 0x10); # Sophia reappears
AttachThingToThing(so_ghost2, sophia);
SetCameraFocus(2, sophiaCam7);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, so_ghost2);
SetCameraFOV(50, 0, 0.0);
# run inventory acquisition routine
ChangeInv(player, 82, 1);
SetInvAvailable(player, 82, 1);
# Sophia: "C'mon, Indy, we're the CIA..."
PlayVoice(sophia, so20, 1.0, 0);
PlayKey(sophia, so_CrossArms, 4, 0x12, 1);
StopKey(sophia, so_track, 0.8);
# Sophia dons her helmet...
# play spy music
spychan=PlaySoundLocal(mus_SpyLine, 0.5, 0.0, 0x0, 0);
ChangeSoundVol(spychan, 2, 3.5);
so_meshRefHand = SetThingMesh(sophia, 18, mod_so_HandHelmet, 0); # get helmet in hand
PlayKey(sophia, so_helmeton, 4, 0x12, 1);
# Sophia: "...we've got spies."
PlayVoice(sophia, so21, 1.0, 0);
Sleep(0.7); # was 0.4
# Sophia turns and walks out of frame...
AISetMoveSpeed(sophia, 0.5);
AISetMoveSpeed(sophia, 1.2);
AISetLookThing(sophia, so_Target9);
AISetMoveThing(sophia, so_Target9, 1);
# Play helicopter startup sound
PlaySoundLocal(heliStart1, 1, 0, 0x10, 0);
# Stop the anim on the gear and swap it back out...
RestoreThingMesh(indy, meshRefHand);
# Cut to helicopter...
SetCameraFocus(2, heliCam);
SetCameraSecondaryFocus(2, copterAnchor);
SetCameraFOV(50, 0, 0.0);
# Sophia's already inside...
TeleportThing(sophia, so_Target7);
so_track = PlayKey(sophia, so_Stand6, 4, 0x10, 0);
# Start that puppy...
cop_track = PlayKey(copter, chopTurn, 4, 0x10, 0);
# second sartup sound
PlaySoundLocal(heliStart2, 1, 0, 0x20, 0);
# Kill waterfall noise right now...
SendMessage(fallcog, user0);
# timers to control the remaining sound fades
SetTimerEx(2.368, 1, 0, 0);
SetTimerEx(6.687, 2, 0, 0);
SetTimerEx(5.790, 3, 0, 0);
SetTimerEx(7.579, 4, 0, 0);
# light dust
# Indy enters the shot...
TeleportThing(indy, in_Target6);
AISetMoveSpeed(indy, 1.1);
AISetLookThing(indy, in_Target7);
AISetMoveThing(indy, in_Target7, 1);
# Indy animates into the copter...
PlayKey(indy, in_Enter, 4, 0x12, 1);
# ...and actually sits there!
TeleportThing(indy, in_target9);
# Fasten yer seatbelts!
AttachThingToThingEx(indy, copter, 0x000C);
PlayKey(indy, in_sitheli, 4, 0x14, 0);
AttachThingToThingEx(sophia, copter, 0x000C);
AttachThingToThing(copterAnchor, copter);
# Heads up!
AISetLookThing(sophia, copt_Target2);
AISetLookThing(indy, copt_Target2);
# Now rev it up a bit...
StopKey(copter, cop_track, 0.5);
cop_track = PlayKey(copter, chopTurn2, 4, 0x10, 0);
StopKey(copter,cop_track, 0.5);
PlayKey(copter, chopFly, 4, 0x10, 0);
# The blades blur...
SetThingMesh(copter, 3, chop_blad, 0); # main rotor
SetThingMesh(copter, 1, chop_rot, 0); # tail rotor
in_colltype = GetCollideType(indy);
so_colltype = GetCollideType(sophia);
co_colltype = GetCollideType(copter);
SetCollideType(indy, 0);
SetCollideType(sophia, 0);
SetCollideType(copter, 0);
# ...and the thing flies away...
SetThingMaxRotVel(copter, 10.0); # slow to turn
AISetMoveSpeed(copter, 1.0);
AISetMoveThing(copter, copt_Target1, 0);
# fade the shadow out
ThingFadeAnim(chop_shadow, 1.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0);
# Create a ring blast under the chopper
smoke = CreateThing(smokeTpl, dust_pivot);
AnimateSpriteSize(smoke, '0.1 0.1 1.0', '2.0 2.0 0.0', 0.75);
SetCameraFOV(75, 1, 1.7);
# send message to soundfade out cog to clear sector sounds
SendMessage(sectorcog, user3);
SendMessage(ambcog, user3);
# Stop dust particles
AISetMoveSpeed(copter, 1.1);
AISetMoveSpeed(copter, 1.2);
AISetLookThing(sophia, copt_Target2);
AISetLookThing(indy, copt_Target2);
AISetLookThing(copter, copt_Target2);
AISetMoveThing(copter, copt_Target2, 0);
AISetMoveSpeed(copter, 1.3);
AISetLookThing(sophia, copt_Target3);
AISetLookThing(indy, copt_Target3);
AISetLookThing(copter, copt_Target3);
AISetMoveThing(copter, copt_Target3, 0);
AISetMoveSpeed(copter, 1.2);
AISetLookThing(sophia, copt_Target4);
AISetLookThing(indy, copt_Target4);
AISetLookThing(copter, copt_Target4);
AISetMoveThing(copter, copt_Target4, 0);
AISetMoveSpeed(copter, 1.1);
AISetLookThing(sophia, copt_Target5);
AISetLookThing(indy, copt_Target5);
AISetLookThing(copter, copt_Target5);
AISetMoveThing(copter, copt_Target5, 0);
SetCameraFOV(90, 1, 9.0);
AISetMoveSpeed(copter, 1.0);
SetCollideType(indy, in_colltype);
SetCollideType(sophia, so_colltype);
SetCollideType(copter, co_colltype);
# Fade out...
ClearThingFlags(fadeoutplate, 0x80000);
ThingFadeAnim(fadeoutplate, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0);
#### test only #### Clean up...
## ClearActorFlags(player, 0x200000);
## SetCurrentCamera(curCam);
## ResetCameraFOV(0, 0.0);
SetThingMaxRotVel(indy, in_rotRate);
SetThingMaxRotVel(sophia, so_rotRate);
SetThingMaxRotVel(copter, cop_rotRate);
# Put Sophia's heads back!
SetThingVoiceHeads(sophia, "sohead", "head_so_msound.3do", "head_so_asound.3do", "head_so_amsound.3do", "head_so_osound.3do");
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
sender = GetSenderRef();
callNum = GetParam(1);
if (sender == indy)
if (callNum == 21)
meshRefHat = SetThingMesh(indy, 8, mod_in_Hair, 0);
meshRefHead = SetThingMesh(indy, 9, mod_in_Hair, 1);
meshRefHand = SetThingMesh(indy, 15, mod_in_HandHat, 0);
# RT: Set up no-hat heads...
SetThingVoiceHeads(indy, "inhead", "head_in_goodhair.3do", "head_in_asound_gh.3do", "head_in_amsound_gh.3do", "head_in_osound_gh.3do");
else if (callNum == 22)
RestoreThingMesh(indy, meshRefHat);
RestoreThingMesh(indy, meshRefHead);
RestoreThingMesh(indy, meshRefHand);
# RT: Restore default heads...
SetThingVoiceHeads(indy, "inhead", "", "head_in_asound.3do", "head_in_amsound.3do", "head_in_osound.3do");
else if (callNum == 23)
meshRefHand = SetThingMesh(indy, 15, mod_in_HandGear, 0);
else if (callNum == 24)
matAnimNum = MaterialAnim(gearMat, 8.0, 0x1);
else if (callNum == 25)
meshRefHand = SetThingMesh(indy, 15, mod_in_HandPhoto, 0);
SetThingFlags(photoV2, 0x80000);
else if (callNum == 26)
RestoreThingMesh(indy, meshRefHand);
ClearThingFlags(photoV2, 0x80000);
else if (sender == sophia)
if (callNum == 16) # Remove swap anims are tagged with #16
RestoreThingMesh(sophia, -99); # -99 Restores ALL meshes
else if (callNum == 21)
# Swap out Sophia's goggle head
RestoreThingMesh(sophia, -99); # -99 Restores ALL meshes
# Swap in her hand with the helmet
SetThingMesh(sophia, 18, mod_so_HandHelmet, 0);
else if (callNum == 22)
SetThingMesh(sophia, 18, mod_so_HandShard, 0);
else if (callNum == 23 && so_swap == 1)
SetThingMesh(sophia, 15, mod_so_HandGear, 0);
so_swap = 0;
else if (callNum == 24)
# Get rid of her helmet hand...
RestoreThingMesh(sophia, so_meshRefHand);
# Swap in her goggle head...
call goggleHead;
# New set of heads...
SetThingVoiceHeads(sophia, "sohead", "head_so_helmet.3do", "head_so_helmet_asound.3do", "head_so_helmet_amsound.3do", "head_so_helmet_osound.3do");
else if (sender == so_arm)
RestoreThingMesh(so_arm, -99); # -99 Restores ALL meshes
if (so_arm_swap == 1)
ClearThingFlags(photoBab, 0x80000);
else if (so_arm_swap == 2)
ClearThingFlags(photoVo, 0x80000);
else if (so_arm_swap == 3)
ClearThingFlags(photoV2, 0x80000);
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
CreateThing(chopdust, dust_pivot);
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
SetThingMesh(sophia, 2, mod_so_Helmet, 0);
SetThingMesh(sophia, 3, mod_so_Helmet, 1);
SetThingMesh(sophia, 4, mod_so_Helmet, 2);
SetThingMesh(sophia, 5, mod_so_Helmet, 3);
SetThingMesh(sophia, 6, mod_so_Helmet, 4);
SetThingMesh(sophia, 7, mod_so_Helmet, 5);
SetThingMesh(sophia, 8, mod_so_Helmet, 6);
SetThingMesh(sophia, 9, mod_so_Helmet, 7);
SetThingMesh(sophia, 10, mod_so_Helmet, 8);
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
If (GetSenderID() == 1)
chopSound1 = PlaySoundLocal(heliRev1, 0, 0, 0x11, 0);
ChangeSoundVol(chopSound1, 1, 2.879);
If (GetSenderID() == 2)
ChangeSoundVol(chopSound1, 0, 7.894);
If (GetSenderID() == 3)
chopSound2 = PlaySoundLocal(heliRev2, 0, 0, 0x1, 0);
ChangeSoundVol(chopSound2, 1, 1.279);
If (GetSenderID() == 4)
# Fade copter sound
ChangeSoundVol(chopSound2, 0, 6);
# -------------------------------------------------------------------